Monday, May 15, 2006



A quick hop and a skip across The Lake District, courtesy of Doherty`s Taxi, brought us eagerly to the starting gate at Bowness. As ever, there was little difficulty in persuading the group to pose in their walking gear, and I present the most photogenic representative,Centurion Nick Lusterus.

After heading off in the wrong direction, a chastened party commenced their march eastwards to be immediately confronted by a strong headwind that was to last the next four days. The theory of walking with the support of a following breeze had literally been blown away. Four hours march along the glorious Solway Firth, saw a meeting of that day`s full team at The Leopard, Burgh by Sands. Paul and Sally had travelled north on horseback from Blakedown, and Steph and Pete had flown in from Ilkley.

Following a short break for refreshment, it was into jogging mode for the three hour canter along the banks of The River Eden and onward towards Carlisle. Concern about Paul`s lack of fitness and the chafing damage he was suffering from his loin cloth meant we were a little later than anticipated in reaching our destination in the town. Nevertheless, a uniquely inspiring greeting from Yvette at Langleigh House ("if you miss this treat, you must be barking mad" -Off The Wall with Don Nugent), and a great meal at La Pergola set the seal on a wonderful first day. It was a delight to spend it with such fine people, and to establish that Steph and Pete were actually younger than the walking socks Sally had been using since her teens.

The walker`s rest at The Leopard, minus their uniforms. Roger the goat can just be seen in the distant paddock, to the left.


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