Tuesday, May 02, 2006


Well, what seemed like a very good idea 10 months ago has now come back to haunt me. I suppose walking a hundred miles, allegedly dressed as a Roman Centurion, and possibly aided by a goat named Roger, is excusable when you`re young and full of Newcastle Brown. But when you`re 50-something, with a formerly most responsible and ever so sensible job, you would have thought common sense would overcome those inner urges (who hasn`t wanted to walk 100 miles dressed as a Roman ?). So you see, that`s what heart-surgery does for you. Liberating or what ? If I had my way, everyone would be able to have a dose of it as a natural right, especially now that Dame Patricia has decreed the "best year yet" for the NHS.

On Saturday 6th May, I (Ash James, formerly Deputy Head of a Comprehensive School in Dudley...they really let me do that ?), Dave Haves (55 year old Marketing Consultant and self-confessed Liberal Life Peer), and Nick Eaves (57 year old engineer and round the world sailor), set of in pursuit of Hadrian`s Wall. We shall aim to walk west to east across the very thin bit at the top of England,and with luck and a compass shall subsequently appear in Wallsend on the following Thursday night. A weekend of further frivolity will ensue in the wonderful Geordie Capital of Newcastle, where we shall recover, footballers wives style, with our better halves.

Why are we doing this? Well the main reason is to raise funds for KIDZKLUB LEEDS, a charity that supports inner city children living in very challenging environments in that city. Hopefully our efforts will raise at least £2,000, and this will add to that raised at previous wacky fund-raising events. The other reason of course is because we want to, and we can ! As for the dressing up bit, well why not ? And anyway, it takes very little to encourage Dave and Nick to slip into something alternative, so what the hell.

With good fortune and, I suspect, a good degree of lower wind, we shall hope to keep abreast of our passage via this blog. So without further ado, I shall return to wrapping up my Kendal Mint Cake, and speak to you again, as soon as nature will allow it.




Blogger dutch said...

Good luck to Ash and his merry men (and goat) and remember to change those socks regularly!

5:04 AM  

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