Wednesday, May 03, 2006


Preparations continue apace, as the `off` gets nearer, and as ever the decisions about what a man should wear become so much harder. Having confided privately to a local journalist that the three of us would be apparelled in an `off the shoulder` and sympathetic Latin number, reality bit home. If you`ve said it, then do it you must. A quick fit up at the local costumiers (`El Cid`s` in Quarry Bank High Street) revealed a somewhat physically challenged torso, rather less beefed than that considered appropriate for even the most bulimnic centurion from the first century. I told myself that this would most likely be overlooked when I placed myself upon display, but alas, such optimism was foolishly misplaced. My wonderful wife, truthful to the core and normally not given to overemphasis, described my fully adorned Roman-ness as having the appearance she normally associated with, and I quote, "a complete twat". Now admittedly, choosing the late evening to reveal myself as a Roman warrior was not the best of ideas, particularly as she was still engrossed in her own (and very real) work. But nevertheless, the judgement still seemed a little harsh, particularly given the need to raise one`s profile as an idiot, in the very good cause of charity fund-raising.

I sought a second opinion from my walking partners. Nick agreed with my wife. "You see Ash,you look a twat normally, so why dress up ?". Dave was not so sure; " Well one of us should be prepared to do the business. I mean, when we turn up at the pubs along the walk, what a great way to get extra money. You`re the bloke, Ash". An independent third party was clearly called for, so I e-mailed my very good friend Lynn in Kendal.I have always trusted her judgement. "What a plonker you look. How can those legs go underneath a Roman toga ? I`ve seen more fat on a chicken twizzler !"

And so dear friend, it was with heavy heart that I have to-day returned my Centurion`s uniform back to it`s spiritual home at `El Cid`s`. When the assistant heard of our plan to walk Hadrian`s Wall, she bubbled with encouragement. "What a great idea. Oh, I think that the three of you are fantastic.I hope it goes well and you raise lots of cash." My spirits rose. "But I can see what they mean about the uniform;doesn`t really go with that body does it ?"

HOW TO DONATE: All monies raised by `Walk The Talk` go to `KIDZ KLUB LEEEDS. This is a charity that supports inner city children living in challenging environments in that city. Anyone wishing to donate can do so by making a cheque payable to `KidzKlub Leeds ` and forwarding it to ;

Sarah James@ KidzKlub Leeds,
c/o Bridge Street Church, Bridge Street, Leeds, LS2 7QZ.

For more information on the stunning work those who work for this charity do, go to;
Registered charity no:1084977

Thank you. We are aiming to raise a minimum of £2,000 via this event.


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