Friday, May 05, 2006


For those who have questioned the folly of dressing in Roman attire, I present the above image, taken at 4.00 pm Kendal time, this very day. I leave the question of our judgement to your good taste, dear reader.


Blogger dutch said...

Dear walkers - a little quiz to promote team work and keep spirits up.

Which of these statements are true? (tick as many boxes as you think are correct)

Oysters were fast food in Roman times.
Mussolini was alive during the Roman period.
Romans washed their behinds with a sponge on a stick and running water after having been to the toilet.
Emperor Ashley Ralphereus introduced the g(r)oat in 2006AD.
Hadrian's wall can be a very wet place.


3:27 AM  

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